“You can hear laughter all day.....children are calmer and settle easier into the environment”
It’s a proven fact that movement and physical activity support child development.
Children who are more active have more confidence, higher self-esteem, less anxiety and better social skills. And positive attitudes towards physical activity are associated with children being happier.
Early years providers (such as nurseries, childminders, and playgroups) are key to supporting children to get more active.
But providers told Rise that funding was a barrier – they couldn’t afford the equipment.
In response, Rise developed its Early Years Bursary scheme.
Early years providers could apply for funding to buy equipment or training that they couldn’t afford – and give children the opportunity to become more physically active.
Key figures:
We gave £5.4k to 15 early years providers.
At least 576 children benefitted from the scheme
Providers bought a range of equipment including:
Balance bikes
Climbing frames/walls
Crawl unit
Gardening equipment including watering cans and other tools
Play and yoga mats
Space hopper
Waterproof clothing and footwear (for both children and staff)